World-Renowned Injury Specialist Develops Revolutionary Stretching Sequence That Instantly Loosens Up Tight Joints And Eases Sore Muscles… So You Can Feel And Look Amazing!
These 11 Gentle Stretches Will Make You Feel And Look Amazing!
My clients are already telling me they have more energy, they’ve lost weight, they’re more motivated and excited about life, they have much less pain and stiffness, they’re less stressed, and they’re happier...

...all because of a new, gentle stretching program I taught them.

On this page, I’m going to show you this program too.

It’s brand new - I don’t think it’s like anything you’ve seen before.

It’s a sequence of 11 easy and gentle stretches that you can do with just your body and a floor - no gym required, no weights or equipment needed...
 and the whole sequence takes only 7 minutes to complete!

Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj. I’m also known worldwide as the “Pain Hacker.”

I’m a renowned Fitness Trainer, Injury Prevention Specialist, Author, International Speaker and Registered Kinesologist with a Masters of Science Degree.

Since 1994, I’ve helped thousands of people overcome pain and injuries, and achieve higher levels of fitness and better health through my breakthrough exercise programs. Basically, I help people get back to the full, active lives they love and deserve.

My acclaimed pain-relieving exercises and fitness programs have been featured in leading magazines and websites, like:
I’m very excited to share my newest program with you.
It’s called 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing.

And, if you act now, you can get this amazing program for just $7.

The normal, retail price of this program is $67, and I will need to raise it to that price soon, so keep reading now!

Here’s what some of my clients have already said after using my new 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing program:

“I’ve been using these exercises 3 – 4 times a week since I received them. I feel more flexible, am hitting the golf ball with more authority, with less effort, and have dropped 2 inches from my waistline.

It’s simple to follow and hasn’t taken much of my time, yet has helped me get in better shape and feel much better about my movement / flexibility.”

-- Robert Baker

“I’ve had tremendous results from just doing the simplest ones. I have been suffering from low back pain and hip pain for some time now.

This is the real deal. These exercises are terrific!”

-- Lisa Bayne - Former Patient Care Coordinator

“Before doing these exercises, my lower back was always very stiff with mild pain when moving. I didn’t know where to start so I didn’t do anything other than walking.

Now, I am more flexible, with the mild pain being felt at the end, not the beginning, of stretches. I feel more positive, light and healthy.”

-- Katy
just one or two weeks from now…
You're Having More Fun In life!

You feel lighter... both physically and emotionally.

You feel mentally clear, like a fog has lifted…

...and you’re focusing like never before!

You’re losing weight.

You can breath easier, and deeper.

You feel less stressed, and less overwhelmed by life.

You Feel more In control of your life.
Think About this...
Even if you got just a fraction of those results and benefits, wouldn’t it still be worth it to do 11 low-impact stretches for a total of just 7 minutes a day?

It seems like a NO-BRAINER, but...

I understand if you’re still skeptical.

In fact, I think you should be...

...because there are so many weight loss and fitness scams out there these days, especially on the Internet.

So, you might be wondering...

How can stretching for 7 minutes a day possibly accomplish all that?

Great question.

A lot of my clients ask me things like, “Don’t I have to do intense, sweaty workouts with big weights and use “muscle confusion” and plyometrics to get great results and really feel good?”

The answer is NO. (And Harvard Medical School agrees, as you’ll see below…)

There’s a secret that’s been around for literally thousands of years, but it’s not really a secret, and never was...

It’s called yoga.
Now… if you think yoga isn’t manly enough, read what my client, Robert Baker, said after using 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing:
“I feel more flexible, am hitting the golf ball with more authority, with less effort, and have dropped 2 inches from my waistline.”
Or... if you think yoga is too “woo-woo” or too spiritual, don’t worry, there are no bells, chants, mantras or mats in my program.
In fact, my program isn’t even entirely yoga, but a lot of it is based on (easy and gentle) yoga movements, because…
Yoga has been scientifically proven to deliver Massive Benefits.
Harvard Medical School published an article in February of 2015(1) citing these benefits of practicing yoga (these findings were all based on scientific research):
  • Yoga Helps You Lose Weight.(2)
    Researchers found that people who practice yoga gained less weight during middle adulthood, and they found that people who were overweight actually lost weight with yoga.
  • Yoga Increases Self-Esteem, Reduces Stress, and Makes You Happier!(3)
    Researchers found that yoga soothes mental tension, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases mindfulness, all of which contribute to more happiness!
  • Yoga Increases Strength, Flexibility and Fitness.(4)
    Researchers found that yoga builds muscle strength and endurance, and improves flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • Yoga Helps You Eat Better.(5)
    Researchers found that yoga makes people more mindful eaters, helps create a healthier relationship with food, and makes people more satisfied and less critical of their bodies, all of which contribute to eating healthier, overall.
  • Yoga Helps Your Heart and Diabetes!(6)
    Researchers found that yoga lowers blood pressure in people who have hypertension, it improved lipid profiles in healthy patients as well as patients with known coronary artery disease, and it lowers excessive blood sugar levels in people with non-insulin dependent diabetes, and in some cases, even reduced their need for medications.
But, yoga has its problems too…
...and that’s why I didn’t create just another yoga program.
For all its amazing benefits, Yoga has its problems too...
1. It’s expensive(7)
You need to register for expensive classes. You need to buy special clothes (that are expensive). You need to buy a yoga mat (also expensive!), and more.
2. It’s time consuming(8)
The classes are at least an hour long, and you have to drive there, then drive back, take a shower, etc. Not to mention the time you have to put in to learn the typically complicated movements.
3. It can be complicated and difficult(9)

Many yoga poses are complicated and difficult to do. Many yoga classes don’t start with easy enough material and many classes are not gradual enough in their progression.

So, many people feel like they’re “always behind” and they get overwhelmed and stop going! And you don’t even need to do difficult yoga poses to get excellent results!

4. (For some people) it’s too spiritual(10)
I don’t judge on this point, but some yoga teachers inject too much spirituality for some people.
11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing
I created this program so you can get all the incredible benefits of yoga, without all the problems of yoga.

This program is very affordable - just one payment of $7!

This program only takes 7 minutes a day to complete!

The movements in this program are so easy and gentle that virtually anyone can do them - even people with chronic pain, and even people who have never exercised a day in their life!

This program doesn’t judge spirituality, but leaves it out. There are no bells, mantras, or mats.
What exactly do you get in the “11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing” program?

I made this program short and sweet…

...because I want you to get the same incredible results my clients have been getting, as soon as possible.

There’s only one sequence of 11 gentle, but powerful stretches that I want you to learn and do, just once per day.

Once you learn it, which is very quick and easy to do, the sequence shouldn’t take you more than 7 minutes a day to complete.

In this program, you’re going to get only what you need to incorporate this easy, but powerful routine into your life, so you can get the multitude of amazing benefits as quickly as possible.

Here’s what’s included in this program:
Instructional Video:
Your Personal Training Session
This video is your virtual personal training session with us. In the video, we will:
  • SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each of the 11 stretches perfectly, so you can definitely get them right
  • Show you ALL the common mistakes people make doing these stretches, so you also know what NOT to do
  • Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many reps and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the stretches so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
Comprehensive Manual (PDF)
This handy PDF guide includes:
  • All of the gentle, but highly-effective stretches you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
  • Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of reps, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
For just one payment of $7,
you get the whole program and a 60-day money-back guarantee.

I do need to raise the price on this program to $67 soon - that’s the normal retail price…

...but if you act now, you can have this entire program for just one payment of $7.

And, the program comes with a 60-day guarantee, so you won’t have any risk at all.

Here’s how it works:

Immediately after you order, you will get full access to the program, and you can try the whole thing out for a full 60 days.

If at any time within those 60 days, you don’t absolutely love the results you’re getting, then just let me know, and I’ll happily refund all your money. Simply send an email to, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will process your request. No questions. No hassles. No problems.

Why does this only cost $7, and why does it come with a 60-day, money-back guarantee?
Here’s why:
I want you to JUST TRY this system…

...because I know that once you try it, you’re going to get great results, like many of my clients already have.

But, here’s the problem:

Because this program really does produce such HUGE BENEFITS with such a SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME AND EFFORT…’s actually tougher than you think to convince people to just try it out!

So, I’m removing all the barriers - I’m reducing the price down to almost free, and I’m giving you a full 60 days to use the whole program risk-free to make sure you get the results you want…

All so you’ll just try this super-easy system…

Try it out now...

You can try the 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing program with no risk, for 60 days,
 For Just One Payment Of $7
(Regular Price = $67)

For a limited time, pay the EXACT SAME PRICE for both versions…

Pay just $7 for DIGITAL ONLY, which is online access to the entire program, or pay $7 for DIGITAL + DVD, which is online access to the program plus we’ll ship a physical DVD to your home for $4.95 anywhere in the world!

Right after you order, you can download the Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual (PDF). You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device!

Choose Your Preferred Option Below:

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing

Right after you order, you can access everything and download all of it onto any computer or mobile device. And, you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.

(Regular Retail Price = $67)

Special Discounted Price


buy now

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Physical DVD
Shipped Directly to You

+ FREE Instant Access to the Digital Version

Get a Physical DVD of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing shipped directly to your home...

...PLUS Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing


Right after you order, you can access everything and download all of it onto any computer or mobile device. And, you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.

(Regular Retail Price = $67)

Special Discounted Price


buy now


  1. Regardless of which version you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire program, immediately after you place your order.
  2. This special discounted price of $7 will not last. I want to remove as many financial barriers as I can because I know that if you just try this program, the chances are very good you’ll get great results, but I cannot keep the price at this level past this week.
  3. You can try this program out for 60 days with no risk. Get this program now for just one payment of $7 and just try it out. You have a full 60 days to go through the entire program, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

You can contact us at (888) 291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada) or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992. You can also send an email to our Customer Service Team at

FACT: Most people who buy exercise programs like this NEVER actually do them on a consistent basis!
Here’s why this program is going to be different, and why you’ll actually do it on a consistent basis... Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?

Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:

“I don’t have enough time to go to the gym.”

“I don’t want to join a gym.”

“I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”

No problem. You don’t have to join a gym, or buy any equipment to do the 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing program. All you need is your body and a floor!
“I don’t have enough time to exercise.”
No problem. I designed this program so you could complete it in 7 minutes or less every day. 

This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!

“I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”
Perfect. This program is low-impact, so it’s safe for everyone, even people with chronic pain, and even people who have never exercised a day in their life.
“I don’t want to do crazy, intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”
Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why this program is designed not to exhaust you, but give you a good workout that gets results, without making you want to take a nap one hour later.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can try the 11 Daily Stretches To Feel And Look Amazing program with no risk, for 60 days,
 For Just One Payment Of $7
(Regular Price = $67)

For a limited time, pay the EXACT SAME PRICE for both versions…

Pay just $7 for DIGITAL ONLY, which is online access to the entire program, or pay $7 for DIGITAL + DVD, which is online access to the program plus we’ll ship a physical DVD to your home for $4.95 anywhere in the world!

Right after you order, you can download the Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual (PDF). You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device!

Choose Your Preferred Option Below:

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing

Right after you order, you can access everything and download all of it onto any computer or mobile device. And, you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.

(Regular Retail Price = $67)

Special Discounted Price


buy now

Instant Access
to the Digital Version Only

Physical DVD
Shipped Directly to You

+ FREE Instant Access to the Digital Version

Get a Physical DVD of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing shipped directly to your home...

...PLUS Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing


Right after you order, you can access everything and download all of it onto any computer or mobile device. And, you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.

(Regular Retail Price = $67)

Special Discounted Price


buy now


  1. Regardless of which version you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire program, immediately after you place your order.
  2. This special discounted price of $7 will not last. I want to remove as many financial barriers as I can because I know that if you just try this program, the chances are very good you’ll get great results, but I cannot keep the price at this level past this week.
  3. You can try this program out for 60 days with no risk. Get this program now for just one payment of $7 and just try it out. You have a full 60 days to go through the entire program, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

You can contact us at (888) 291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada) or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992. You can also send an email to our Customer Service Team at

Resources +
  1. Yoga – Benefits Beyond the Mat - Harvard Health. Harvard Health. Published 2020. Accessed April 7, 2020.
  2. Cramer H, Thoms MS, Anheyer D, Lauche R, Dobos G. Yoga in Women With Abdominal Obesityߞa Randomized Controlled Trial. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2016;113(39):645–652. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2016.0645
  3. Gobec S, Travis F. Effects of Maharishi Yoga Asanas on Mood States, Happiness, and Experiences during Meditation. Int J Yoga. 2018;11(1):66–71. doi:10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_66_16
  4. Brämberg EB, Bergström G, Jensen I, Hagberg J, Kwak L. Effects of yoga, strength training and advice on back pain: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017;18(1):132. Published 2017 Mar 29. doi:10.1186/s12891-017-1497-1
  5. Watts AW, Rydell SA, Eisenberg ME, Laska MN, Neumark-Sztainer D. Yoga's potential for promoting healthy eating and physical activity behaviors among young adults: a mixed-methods study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2018;15(1):42. Published 2018 May 2. doi:10.1186/s12966-018-0674-4
  6. Raveendran AV, Deshpandae A, Joshi SR. Therapeutic Role of Yoga in Type 2 Diabetes. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul). 2018;33(3):307–317. doi:10.3803/EnM.2018.33.3.307
  8. Yoga for Beginners: 5 myths debunked - Vikasa. Vikasa. Published 2020. Accessed April 10, 2020.
  9. Uebelacker LA, Kraines M, Broughton MK, et al. Perceptions of hatha yoga amongst persistently depressed individuals enrolled in a trial of yoga for depression. Complement Ther Med. 2017;34:149–155. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2017.06.008
  10. Middleton KR, Andrade R, Moonaz SH, Muhammad C, Wallen GR. Yoga Research and Spirituality: A Case Study Discussion. Int J Yoga Therap. 2015;25(1):33–35. doi:10.17761/1531-2054-25.1.33
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